Dr. Emily Taylor

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Ph.D. Biology, Arizona State University, 2005
B.A. English, University of California, Berkeley, 1998
Research Interests
I joined Cal Poly in 2005 as an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences. I oversee PERL and teach several different physiology courses at Cal Poly. I have a profound love for the animals I study and enjoy nothing more than training students in research techniques in environmental physiology of reptiles. My research specialties are comparative endocrinology and reproductive physiology, and research in my lab spans multiple topics in environmental physiology. Before coming to Cal Poly I chased rattlesnakes around the Sonoran Desert for six years while doing my dissertation in the laboratory of Dale DeNardo in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. Prior to that I was an undergraduate student and curatorial assistant in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California at Berkeley.